The City of Centralia will hold a public meeting on an Illinois Department of Transportation Safe Roads to Schools Grant prior to its regular meeting Monday night.
The $250,000 grant will help the city pay for installation of a sidewalk from the entrance of Jordan School north across Route 161 to Edgebrook Lane on Country Club Road. The public meeting begins at 5:45 pm.
At the regular city council meeting that follows at six Monday night, the council will be asked to add a Class A liquor license for the reopening of the Centralia House Restaurant and Sporting House at 111 North Oak. The Centralia House had a liquor license prior to its closure under its old owner. The council will also consider a $12,000 facade grant for the restaurant. The overall cost of the outside exterior is $60,825.
The council will consider a resolution to utilize $65,000 in motor fuel tax funds for engineering services for upcoming improvements to Orchard Drive East.
Another resolution would allow Good Energy to seek bids for the lowest cost electric service to be utilized by the city’s electric aggregation program for residential and small commercial retail customers who do not opt out of the program.
The council will also be asked to approve use of Fairview Park by City Hope Church for a Community Easter Egg Hunt on April 19th, closing streets for the Locust Street Historical Fair on May 3rd, and use of Laura Leake Park and street closures for the Juneteenth Celebration on June 14th.