Nascote Industries, a division of Magna Exteriors in Nashville, hosted a charity drive in February to benefit the Elle Project. The project is an initiative dedicated to improving the lives of children facing health challenges. Dubbed the Helping Hearts Drive, the initiative was aimed to bring joy and comfort to young patients in local hospitals.
The 1,300 employees at Nascote Industries came together to collect over 455 items, including toys, books, crafts, and activities, to share with children in need. Company officials say this effort not only fostered teamwork but also highlighted the company’s commitment to positively impact the lives of children and their families.
HR Supervisor Natalie Billimoria says they would like to thank the Elle Project for their ongoing dedication to local children. She adds they also appreciate their employees who have shown great generosity of spirit and commitment to helping others.
the Elle Project is a non-profit organization whose mission is to spread hope by delivering Hope Bags to Southern and Central Illinois hospitals. The Hope Bags aim to uplift the spirits of young patients and provide comforting distractions during challenging times, especially during the holiday season.