
Police Beat for Wednesday, March 19th, 2025

By Austin Williams Mar 19, 2025 | 12:15 PM

A 54-year-old Salem woman released on pre-trial release around one Tuesday afternoon was back in jail at 2:30 Wednesday morning on a new charge of violation of an order of protection.  Marjorie Woodward of Hoots Chapel Road had been held without bond since a February arrest for domestic battery and obstructing justice before being released on Tuesday.

Centralia Police arrested 29-year-old Sean Finckbone of Edgebrook Drive in Centralia for aggravated battery to a police officer and resisting arrest.  He was taken to the Marion County Jail to await court action.

Centralia Police arrested 40-year-old Leanna Williams of South Locust in Centralia on a no bond felony warrant.