
Heavy damage in Sunday night fire at McGuire’s Grill and Bar in Wamac

By Austin Williams Mar 17, 2025 | 2:43 PM
Firemen working in the damaged McGuire's Grill and Bar. Photo by Tim Ferguson.

Fire caused heavy damage to McGuire’s Grill and Bar at 730 James Street in Wamac Sunday night.

The fire was already through the roof of the kitchen end of the building when seen by Wamac Police arriving on the scene.

Responding Centralia Fire Protection District Firefighters provided a quick response and knockdown of the blaze keeping it confined to the kitchen area of the building.  However, there was heavy smoke and water damage throughout the building.

There were no reported injuries.   McGuire’s is not open on Sunday.

The State Fire Marshal’s office has been called in to help investigate the cause of the fire.

The Centralia Fire Protection District received mutual aid from Centralia City Firemen, Sandoval, Odin and Irvington Firefighters.  Salem and Kell Firemen stood by at the Centralia Fire Protection District in the event of another fire.

Lifestar Ambulance remained on the scene in case of any injuries and Centralia ESDA assisted with traffic control.   Ameren was called to disconnect electricity and gas.

The fire call came in at 9 pm.

Photo by Tim Ferguson.

Photo by Tim Ferguson.