The Salem Historical Commission will celebrate William Jennings Bryan’s birthday on Saturday with an open house and program.
The City of Salem Historical Museum at 115 South Broadway and the Bryan Birthplace at 406 South Broadway will both be open from nine to 2:45.
Historical Commission member Mark Larimer says a resident of Dayton (Rhea County) Tennessee will be speaking at three Saturday afternoon at the Salem Presbyterian Church at 201 East McMackin Street.
“Tom Davis is going to come talk about the Scopes Monkey Trial. This is the one hundredth anniversary of that trial. Of course, Bryan was a major figure in the trial and the defendant, John Scopes, graduated from Salem High School. (Davis) is going to explain the events of the trial and the personalities in addition to Bryan involved in the trial.”
Larimore says the location of the speech at the Salem Presbyterian Church is also significant because that was Bryan’s church.
There is no admission fee for the event. Donations will be accepted.