
Salem to Soon Have Combined Economic Development, Zoning, Building and Code Enforcement Department

By Austin Williams Jan 31, 2025 | 3:09 PM

The City of Salem is combining several city departments into one.

Economic Development Director Leah Dellicarpini says zoning, building, and code enforcement services are being combined with economic development.

She reports the city is finalizing the hiring of a new zoning, building and code enforcement officer.

“We will see code enforcement become more of a thing, hopefully not in a forceful or ugly way, but hopefully in a more collaborative way that brings increased accountability to our city and our town.”

Dellicarpini also told a Greater Salem Chamber of Commerce luncheon meeting that the city is awaiting word on a number of grant applications.  They include one to develop a tract of land on West McMackin west of the city parking lot into a downtown venue.  Others would provide grant dollars for water and sewer system infrastructure improvements as well as downtown sidewalk and curbing improvements.  Dellicarpini hopes the city can apply for an OSLAD state grant this year to help in further development of the new soccer park on South College Street.