At its monthly meeting on Tuesday, the Central City Village Council discussed a revision to village ordinance that would raise the price of permits for solicitors to $25 per day, remove the option to purchase an annual permit, and clarify that permits must be purchased for each individual solicitor. Mayor Neely Reed said he does not want to deter solicitors, but he wants to ensure that they get approval before operating in Central City. The council will vote on updating the ordinance at next month’s meeting.
After hearing from a consultant from Affordable Gas and Electric, the council approved a new commercial energy contract with the low bidder, Homefield Energy, at a rate of 8.598 cents per kilowatt-hour. This will be an increase over the current contract with Constellation, which has a rate of 8.063 cents per kilowatt-hour and expires in March.
Members of the council were asked to look through the employee personnel code handbook for items they believe should be changed. Trustees James Hill and D.G. Cushman were appointed to a committee to review suggestions and put together a list of changes to the handbook for the council to vote on.
The council also approved a quote to make repairs and clean mold damages in the village hall conference room. Cleaning out the mold will cost $600.