Weather statistics released by the Salem Water Treatment plant show that 2024 was wetter with more snow than 2023.
Total precipitation for 2024 was 58.67 inches, up from 43.28 inches in 2023. There was nearly twice as much snow with 8.35 inches last year compared to 4.3 inches in 2023. Centralia recorded a total of 53.32 inches of precipitation for the year.
Temperatures in Salem during reached as high as 100 during June to a low of -5 in January of last year.
For the month of December, precipitation totaled 4.21 inches, including 2.1 inches of snow. High temperature of the month was 63 recorded on December 17th. The low temperature was 14 recorded on January 6th.
Centralia recorded 3.85 inches of rain in December.