The sign up for the Angel Elves program will be held Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
Sharon Hall is coordinating the program that served 600 children last Christmas and hopes to top that number this year.
Hall says those wishing to sign up should come to the door on the east side of the Calumet Street Christian Church from nine to three Monday, noon to seven on Tuesday, and nine to three on Wednesday.
She reports parents will then receive dates to shop December 20th and 21st.
“We use Calumet’s gym, they’re generous enough to let us use their gym,” Hall said. “The parents come in without the children and they go through our supply of toys and gifts and pick out what they want for their kids. We do newborn through high school, but they have to still be in school. We do take care of teenagers and we’re always on the lookout for teenage gifts. We concentrate on that area because we’re the only agency that actually does it all the way through high school.
Hall says this is the sixth year for the program.
“There’s only about five or six of us that are really involved all the time, then at Christmas time we have a few volunteers that come in and go through with the parents. We’re always looking for volunteers to do that. People can give me a call at 618-918-1386 if they’re interested in volunteering.”
Hall says if you would like to donate a toy or cash to allow others shop for gifts, you can contact her at 618-918-1386.
Sign up for Angel Elves takes place December 2 from 9 AM to 3 PM, December 3 from 12 PM to 7 PM, and December 4 from 9 AM to 3 PM. 600 children will be signed up from the ages of newborns through high school. Signup is at Calumet Street Christian Church the door on the East side of building. Bring your ID, medical card if you have one, or proof of income. Angel Elves serves all of Centralia and Marion County.