
Centralia hosts South Central Illinois Walk to End Alzheimer’s

By Austin Williams Sep 21, 2024 | 3:40 PM
Participants in the walk head off from the bell tower. Photo by Austin Williams.

A crowd of people wearing purple shirts gathered near the bell tower on Saturday for the annual Walk to End Alzheimer’s, organized by the Alzheimer’s Association. Funds raised by walks like this one go toward research, treatment, and advocacy for those with Alzheimer’s disease.

Kelly Quinn, Vice President of development for the Alzheimer’s Association Greater Missouri Chapter, talked about some of the resources supported by the Walk.

“Some of those programs are the Empowered Caregiver (education) series, our 24/7 helpline that allows people immediate access any time, any day to a dementia care expert to help them through their journey,” Quinn said. “There are also things like awareness programs, educating the public on what Alzheimer’s disease really is, and how they can play a part in solving the problem and helping us find a cure.”

Quinn said there was a great turnout to the walk this year aided by clear weather.

“Turnout today has been absolutely wonderful. It’s always helpful when the weather is in our favor. We’re expecting over two hundred folks to walk with us. Today is World Alzheimer’s day, so it’s a really special and significant day for the walk to end Alzheimer’s here in Southern Illinois.”

Before the walk began, Mayor Bryan Kuder and Izzy Fontanez led the opening ceremony at 9:30, thanking those in attendance and affirming the goals and purpose of the Walk to End Alzheimer’s. After the ceremony, the walk proceeded along the planned route through downtown Centralia.

Symbolic flowers held up during the opening ceremony. Photo by Austin Williams.

Participants hold up their flowers during the opening ceremony. Photo by Austin Williams.