
Centralia Cultural Society hosts Elmwood Speaks 2024

By Austin Williams Sep 18, 2024 | 2:48 PM
Audience watches Gayle Erxleben's performance as Helen A. Tippit. Photo by Pat Hodges.

The Centralia Cultural Society hosted Elmwood Speaks on the evenings of September 12 through 15. Visitors took a golf cart tour of the Elmwood Cemetery and saw local actors give monologues portraying real people from Centralia’s history.

There were eight individuals represented at this year’s event: Helen A. Tippit portrayed by Gayle Erxleben, John T. Green portrayed by Cherokee Ray, Adam Clark Gilmore portrayed by Will Ballantini, Elias W. Welden portrayed by John Stuehmeier, Lucy Kerr Rainey portrayed by Alyssa Lurkins, George W. Spence portrayed by Rob Schnicker, Emma Kasten Michael portrayed by Michelle Moreno, and Delores T. Wanzo portrayed by Timothia Reid. Event sponsor Izzy Fontanez served as master of ceremonies and Rob Jackson narrated the introduction.

Elmwood Speaks is an annual event made possible by local volunteers.

Elias Welden performed by John Stuehmeier. Photo by Pat Hodges.