
Repaving of Green Street Road to begin Tuesday

By Bruce Kropp Sep 1, 2024 | 2:00 PM
jhansen2 / Depositphotos.com

Expect more traffic delays this coming week as Guinzy Construction begins repaving of Green Street Road from west of Central City to Scout Road.

A Guinzy official says work will begin at six am Tuesday morning and is expected to continue for five weekdays.  Paving work will continue until seven each night.  The work will start on the Central City end and move towards Scout Road.

Sections of the road will be down to one way during the paving.  You’re asked to watch out for flagmen and obey their signals.

The repaving is part of a $3.4 -million improvement project on Green Street and a portion of the Odin Road near the Green Street intersection.

The safety improvement grant will also allow shoulders to be widened on the curves of Green Street Road, installation of additional guardrail and signage as well as rumble strips on the shoulder and centerline. There will also be some drainage improvements.  On Odin Road, the bridge north of Green Street Road will be widened and the curve leading to the bridge corrected so if you are going too fast entering the bridge you can still get over safely.

The entire project is expected to be completed late this year.