
Marion County Board names interim county highway engineer

By Austin Williams Aug 28, 2024 | 4:36 PM
Marion County Courthouse

The Marion County Board Tuesday night voted to name Marilee Snow as Interim County Highway Engineer.

Snow, who has worked at the department the past 11 years, will serve until a replacement is found for Mike McCormick who has resigned the position to become the Bond County Highway Engineer.

McCormick has agreed to help when needed until a new person is in place.  The state allows six months to find a new highway superintendent and one additional six-month term is automatically granted.

Snow will be paid $1,000 more per pay period during her interim role.

Community Relations Committee Chair Bill Henson announced a meeting has been set for September sixth with Centralia officials on the county’s animal control contract. Henson is hoping to get the agreement extended or amended to try and make it a little better.  Right now, only dogs from unincorporated areas can be taken to the pound leaving smaller communities in the county no place to take their animals.

Marion County Sheriff Kevin Cripps reported there are currently 66 prisoners in the Marion County Jail, including 36 federal prisoners.  They are also holding four prisoners for Clay County.  One juvenile is also in custody at a juvenile detention facility.