The Centralia City Council Monday night will be asked to begin the process of demolition of 17 more substandard houses in the city. The homes are at 237 North Beech, 608 East Kerr, 644 North Hickory, 1403 Southy Elm, 1111 Dover, 1000 Gragg, 1405 South Cherry, 1411 South Cherry, 1325 Short, 1014 North Maple, 109 East 11th, 902 East Kell, 416 South Sycamore, 115 North Cherry, 226 South Cherry, 516 North College, and 30 Devonia Drive. The owners of the property will receive notice of the city’s intent to tear down the homes if repairs are not made.
The Centralia City Council will also be asked to increase the maximum prize that can be awarded through the Raffles and Poker Run Act. The proposal is to double the top prize amount to a half million dollars. The Centralia American Legion Queen of Hearts Jackpot is already near the $250,000 current prize limit.
The council will receive a request from the Centralia American Legion to use Fairview Park for the Fourth of July Celebration July 1st through the Fourth. The final night would include a fireworks display.
The council will be asked to enter into an agreement with Curry and Associates Engineers to provide engineering services for the upcoming construction of the new water treatment plant.
The council will also be asked to approve the yearly audit completed by C.J. Schlosser and Company.
The meeting begins at six Monday night at Centralia City Hall.