The Marion County Board has approved salary increases for the upcoming four years for those elected as Supervisor of Assessments, Circuit Clerk, and Coroner.
The board agreed to set the salary of the supervisor of assessments and circuit clerk for fiscal year 2024 at $71,200 and for 2025 at $75,200. The increases for those two years are the same as earlier approved for the final two years of office for the current County Treasurer and County Clerk. The increases for 2026 and 2027 will then jump $5,000 a year topping out at $85,200 in 2029.
Board member Brock Wagoner questioned the 20-percent increase over four years when the board is looking at delaying projects because they don’t have funds. But Finance Committee Chair Chris Krupp responded the increases make up for years of little or no wage increases. He said for the past ten years the wage increase averages 3.23-percent a year.
Krupp also noted Supervisor of Assessments Mark Miller plans to pay for the increase in that office through money collected in the GIS Fund and has reduced his staff by a person in the past four years. Circuit Clerk Tiffany Schicker has obtained about a half-million dollars in grants and paid $245,000 in office salaries from special funds collected from office users.
The board approved small increases for the part-time coroner’s position that has had its salary frozen in some recent years. The salary in the coming year will be $29,800, which will rise to $30,000 in 2026 before increasing $1,000 a year for each of the following two years.
Board members Brock Wagoner, Tyson McHenry, and Deb Reid voted against the increases.