
Junior High Golf Season Underway

By WJBD Staff Apr 10, 2024 | 8:19 AM
Selmaville hosted a golf match on Monday against Odin/Patoka at the Salem Country Club. Selmaville boys won 199-201. Jaxon Ward for the Rockets and Odin/Patoka’s Lance Nix were low medalists shooting 42s.
Other scores for the Rockets, Cole Rau shot 46, Nicholi Marhanka 55, Gage Patton 56 and Jon Wilson 60. Patoka/Odin got a 50 from Hayden Thompson, 51 from Jesse Cain and Kyler Hodge shot 58.
Selmaville’s Grace Rau shooting 53 and Jolie Jackson shot 60.
Annabelle Garrett led Patoka/Odin with a 59. Selmaville is in action today against Franklin Park.

Sandoval Jr High Golf had their first match Tuesday.
Girls won with Raegan Jezek as the medalist with a 47!
Sandoval boys lost, but only by a few. Odin/Patoka won with Hunter Thompson as the medalist with a 42!!
Next match scheduled for tomorrow @ 330 Colonial GC Sandoval