
Salem City Council approves zoning change of Lake Street property

By WJBD Staff Apr 2, 2024 | 11:13 AM

The Salem City Council has approved the rezoning of property at 201 West Lake Street just west of the Casey’s Store.   It had been zoned residential.   It will now be zoned as highway business.  A new owner is renovating the building following tornado damage last March.   The council was told the building would be utilized for offices for service-type businesses, with no retail.  Under the highway business zone, no residential use will be permitted for the home.

The council also learned the Zoning Board of Appeals had given final approval to a variance that would allow Produce Plus to enlarge its kitchen to within eight feet of the rear property line.

The council also learned its health insurance cost was going up.  Due to an increase in both medical and prescription costs, the same coverage will cost 4 percent or $10, 693 more.  In addition due to the number of high dollar claims, the city will see a 12-percent increase in its reinsurance cost which will mean a $136,351 higher bill.   City Manager Annette Sola says the increase is budgeted for the coming fiscal year.

The council also approved the cost of patch mix as well as oil and chip for the summer road maintenance program.