Marion County Resident Circuit Court Judge Mark Stedelin has made a proposal to the county board on a complete renovation of the large third story courtroom.
Stedelin wants to enlarge the jury box to include room for the two alternates and to make it less cramped. He also wants to make the courtroom more handicapped accessible by replacing two narrow swinging doors with one larger one in the middle. Stedelin also wants to install a new door in the courtroom across from the elevator to allow prisoners to enter directly without having to go through the audience area causing security concerns.
The proposal includes using the former law library behind the courtroom for two attorney-client meeting rooms, a storage room for the sheriff, and an office for the audio recorder and court reporter. Stedelin also wants a new desk/work area for the clerk that’s large enough to handle all the technology. New paneling, carpet, and painting is also proposed.
Stedelin worked with Shores Builders, Inc of Centralia to put together the proposal.
“This totals $91,311. You notice the most expensive parts of this, $49,000 of that estimate is for paint and carpet. The carpet has been there for my guess 30 years and it’s time.”
Stedelin requested the board waive bidding to avoid the need for an architect and the delay the bidding process would cause. No action was taken at Tuesday night’s board meeting because it was not on the agenda.