
Salem Police FOP makes donation for Stop the Bleed kits

By WJBD Staff Feb 13, 2024 | 8:40 AM
Salem Police FOP presents $637 check to Salem Grade School District. Left to right: Canine officer Grant Green, Patrolman Dustin Duncan, Salem Grade School Superintendent Leslie Foppe, Salem Grade School Resource Officer Mason McMean, and Salem Police Sergeant and FOP President Blake Phillips. Photo by Bruce Kropp.

The Salem Police Department Fraternal Order of Police presented a $1,637 check to the Salem Grade School District Monday afternoon to allow for the purchase of 82 Stop the Bleed kits.

That’s enough to place a kit in every classroom, gym, locker room and office at both Hawthorn and Franklin Park Schools.

The President of the FOP, Blake Phillips, says they were happy to help cover the cost.

“They’re medical kits.  They are a little more advanced than your typical first aid kit.  Typically in that case where you have a worst case scenario or severe injury, every classroom should have the proper medical supplies in them to stop the bleeding.  That is the main goal when it comes to life saving efforts and we want to make sure that equipment is accessible as possible.”

Salem Grade School Superintendent Dr. Leslie Foppe accepted the check.

“When our new SRO Officer McMeen approached me regarding that looking.  He knew we didn’t have enough for the entire district and so he talked to me and looked into different grants and things to help the school offset the costs.  To get both buildings it was over $3000.”

Eventually, the Salem FOP stepped up to cover half the cost with school district funds paying the rest.

The kits have been ordered. No date has been received on their arrival. Foppe says the limited number of kits they have now will be replaced with the updated equipment. She notes the kits themselves never expire so they won’t need to be replaced in the future.

Phillips says the FOP likes to help with community projects along with completing their big project each year, Shop with a Cop. The FOP holds several fundraisers as well as members making donations through each payroll check.