
Crackdown planned on heavy trucks using Skillet Fork Bridge on Route 161 Extension

By WJBD Staff Dec 6, 2023 | 2:55 PM
Marion County Highway Engineer Mike McCormick

Both the Marion County Sheriff’s Department and State Police plan a crackdown on trucks crossing the structurally compromised Skillet Fork Bridge on the Route 161 Extension.

Marion County Highway Engineer Mike McCormick says the bridge is down to one-way traffic only Wednesday while a plate is put into place to fix a hole that developed in the floor of the main span of the bridge over the weekend.

McCormick says the bridge will return to two-way traffic only, but says the future of the bridge depends on keeping truck traffic off.

“Weight limit is being ignored and overweight trucks that are over 15 ton continue to cross the structure.  And as they do that, they are continuing to break down the bridge.  What will happen is if these overweight trucks continue to use this bridge it will get to a point where the County will have to close it because it won’t be safe for travel.”

McCormick says when other repairs were being made Monday there were so many commercial carriers as well as farm trucks crossing the bridge they lost count.

While plans are being made to replace the bridge, the actual replacement is still four or five years away.

Sheriff Kevin Cripps has asked State Police to join him in enforcing the weight limit so the bridge can remain open. Tickets will be issued to violators of the 15-ton weight limit. Cripps says everyone needs to comply, including those who live in the area or they may face lengthy detours as well as delays in emergency services.