
Centralia working to find new occupant for CVS building; learn Arby’s no longer coming to town

By WJBD Staff Sep 20, 2023 | 8:39 AM
The signs are gone as CVS moves out of its mid-town location. Photo by Tim Ferguson.

Centralia Economic Development Director Derek Sherman says he has been contacted by the out-of-state owner of the now vacant CVS building in Centralia and will be working with them to try and find a new occupant.

Sherman says CVS was just leasing the building, and did not own it. Their lease goes till around the end of the year, with the building owner looking for a new occupant starting in February of next year.

Sherman says the owner is also contacting real estate agents in a further effort to market the building to a new lease holder or to sell it. He notes the building is in the highway business district that is focused on retail usage.

Meanwhile, Sherman says the Arby’s franchisee looking to renovate the former Title Max building in the Fairview Shopping Center into an Arby’s Restaurant is no longer looking at the project. He notes the decision had nothing to do with Centralia, but rather a change of management in the Mexican based franchisee who was looking at the Centralia location as their first US location.

In another update, Sherman reports 400 have completed a survey on if the city should pursue a new pool, splash pad, or a combination of both in Fairview Park. The survey also questions how any new facility should be paid for as the pool committee has been told there is currently no financing available and a sales or property tax increase would likely be needed. The survey will be available until December first. So far, 92 percent of those responding have been city residents. The pool committee is charged with making a recommendation to the city council on how to proceed with a new pool. The old pool that was no longer operational has now been removed from Fairview Park.

The old Fairview Park swimming pool has now been removed with just the dirt covering remaining. Photo by Tim Ferguson.