Kinmundy has a new police chief starting Monday. Wamac Police Officer Joe Duffy has accepted the position. He has been on the Wamac department since 2014 and before that served in the military and worked as a correctional officer. In addition to police work, Duffy will also be responsible for code enforcement. He is being given $900 a year to plan activities with young people in the community.
The Kinmundy Board of Alderman has voted to pass along a 40-cent per 1,000 gallon increase in water rates they are receiving from the Gateway Regional Water Company to Kinmundy water customers. The increase is expected to show up on bills starting October first.
In the future, golf cart, ATV, and boat licenses will be good for one year from their date of issuance. In the past, all licenses expired at the end of the year and there was a reduction in cost each quarter to reflect the license not being good for the entire year.
The Kinmundy Board set Halloween Trick or Treat for Saturday night, October 28th. However, other Halloween activities at the library and churches will likely still take place on Halloween night. Trick or Treat is for those 12 and under with hours of six to eight pm.
The board agreed to hold a fund raiser after the first of the year to replace deteriorated wooden playground equipment in the city park with more modern play equipment.
The board named Jessi Gile to one of the two openings on the library board.
A new riding lawn mower was purchased for the public works department from Molenhour Power Equipment in Salem at a cost of $12,879.