
Centralia Police Chief says mobile data computers need to be replaced

By WJBD Staff Sep 12, 2023 | 8:48 AM

Centralia Police Chief Chris Locke came before the city council Monday night to announce the department’s mobile data computers are outdated and need to be replaced.

Locke says while the devices normally have a life of five years, the Centralia Police Department units are 10 to 14 years old.

“We recently received the current version of the dashcams.  And we are also looking to move into a new CAD system for all of Marion and Clinton Counties.  All of these require Windows 10.  So the they are just too outdated to keep up with demands of current technology and are unserviceable at this point.”

Locke didn’t ask for action Monday night, but said he was exploring the cost of purchasing or leasing new equipment to replace the computers. He’ll be back before the council later on his findings.

In other action, the council approved 618 Academy using the area around the ball field complex in Fairview Park for Oktoberfest on Saturday September 30th. Mayor Bryan Kuder had earlier approved Crooked Creek Winery using their liquor license for a beer garden at the event. It will begin at noon and run through the evening hours. The event will raise money for further improvements to the Fairview Park ball fields.

The council also approved an addendum to the ball field lease with 618 Academy that will now make them responsible for mowing grass on the fields, something the city had been doing.

After receiving a public comment about the poor condition of the former Friendship Nursing Home on Dr. Martin Luther King Drive, City Manager Kory Smith announced the property has been purchased with plans to tear down the structure and replace it with new construction. He said after the meeting no other details were yet available about the plans.