
Near capacity crowd watches Friday night Marion County Fair Demolition Derby

By Bruce Kropp Aug 6, 2023 | 1:12 PM

Just a few upper seats remained in the Marion County grandstand on Friday night as the Demolition Derby played out on the track in front of them.

Five different types of vehicles were involved in this year’s derby.

In the compact division, Paul Reid of Edgewood was first, Levi Bowen was second, and Justin Patten of Centralia third.  The Best of Show was David Mitchell of Centralia.

In the semi-stock division, Levi Dodson of Texico was first, Brandon Dodson of Texico was second as well as Best of Show and Jesse Fitzwater of Kinmundy was third.

In the Gut-n-Go compacts, Colton Shoemaker of Salem was first, Blane Phillips of Iuka second, and Eric Smith of Salem third and best of show.   One of the cars overturned during the competition with the driver getting out without injury.  As the car was being turned back over, a spark apparently caught some gasoline that had spilled on fire.  The blaze was quickly extinguished by Salem Firemen.

In the mini vans and mini trucks, Andy Diss of Alma was first, Chris See of Kinmundy Second, and Travis Stevens of McLeansboro third.

In the light mods, Brandon Easley of Salem was first, Devin Vandeveer of Kinmundy was second, and Best of Show, while Trevor Jackson of Macedonia was third.