
Kaskaskia College Board names new member

By Bruce Kropp Jun 23, 2023 | 1:59 PM
New Kaskaskia College Board of Trustee Craig Finke.

The Kaskaskia College Board has named Craig Finke of Nashville to an open seat on the Board of Trustees.

Craig Finke was selected at a special board meeting Thursday night after candidates for the open position were interviewed.

Finke replaces Jeff Brown of Greenville who resigned earlier due to family obligations.

Finke owns Finke Farms and is a retired fifth-generation dairy and crop farmer. He is also serving as the outgoing Kaskaskia College Foundation Board of Directors president, with his term ending in August 2023.

Finke says he wants to thank everyone for this opportunity.

“The board of trustees has been a dream of mine since I was a student at the college back in 1991.  I served on Student Congress and had a really good working relationship with the administration back then and continue to have a good working relationship with the administration now.   I want to continue the goal and dream of working with the administration, board of trustees, and the foundation to keep furthering the goals of Kaskaskia College.”

Finke will serve until the next college board election in April 2025, where a candidate will be elected to an unexpired two-year term. He will be sworn in at the June KC Board of Trustees meeting on Monday, June 26th.