
Wise World of Wellen presented by Salem Eye Clinic

By WJBD Staff Jun 7, 2023 | 10:26 AM

Wise World of Wellen presented by Salem Eye Clinic

1. In the early days of Parcel Post, a few parents managed to mail their KIDS to relatives. In 1913, an eight-month-old baby in Ohio was mailed by his parents to his grandmother, who lived a few miles away. The baby was safely delivered. But regulations were quickly established to prevent any additional mailing of children through the U.S. Mail.

2. Tupac Shakur only had two albums hit number one . . . one while he was in jail, and another after he DIED.

3. Lincoln Logs were invented by John Lloyd Wright . . . the son of famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright.

4. Africa is the only continent that’s in all four hemispheres.

5. The outermost part of Earth’s atmosphere stretches so far, it even goes beyond the moon.