
Centralia’s first two Police Chaplains sworn in; bid rejected for street resurfacing

By Bruce Kropp May 23, 2023 | 3:17 PM
Pastor Henry Dabney Senior is sworn in as his wife Linda holds the Bible. Photo by Bruce Kropp.

Centralia City Clerk Kim Enke swore in the Centralia Police Department’s first two chaplains at Monday night’s meeting.

Police Chief Chris Locke had earlier announced the appointment of the Pastor at The Rock Church Steve Upchurch and Monday night announced Pastor Henry Dabney Senior of New Covenant Ministries in Centralia was also joining the program.

Steve Upchurch is sworn in while his wife Jennifer holds the Bible. Photo by Bruce Kropp.

“The Police Chaplain is to provide support for police officers and civilians and their needs,” said Locke.  “The Chaplains are there to provide appropriate assistance, advice, comfort, counsel, and referral to those in need who may request support.  Faith-based leaders will perform tasks of more of an emotional, social, or spiritual nature while the officers handle issues that are of a  law enforcement nature.  So they may be out working with us hand in hand.  They may be talking to a family in certain situations while we’re dealing with criminal matters.”

Both Upchurch and his wife Jennifer and Dabney and his wife Linda were sworn in.   Dabney comes to the position not only as a Pastor of three churches but as a retiree of the Illinois Department of Corrections and a retired licensed Plumber.  He and his wife have five children, 17 grandchildren, and one great-grandson.

The Centralia City Council rejected the lone bid for the resurfacing of South Sycamore, South Pine, East 7th, and East 5th because it was $300,000 over budget.   City Manager Kory Smith says he will change the scope of the project to try and get a bid lower than the $909,621 bid from Howell Paving, Inc.

The council rejected a bid for the sale of a vacant lot at 825 East Rexford because it did not meet the minimum bid.   Action to sell three other parcels was tabled because there was not a three-fifths majority of the council at the meeting as two members were absent.

The council approved the request of the Centralia American Legion to use Fairview Park for the annual 4th of July celebration from July 1st through July 4th.  The city will also donate $2,000 to help towards the expense of the July 4th fireworks display.  The legion is asking for help from the community on the cost of the fireworks due to the much higher expense of the show this year.

City Clerk Kim Enke announced bills for yearly lake leases would be going out shortly and would include a 5.25-percent cost of living increase this year.