Centralia Police arrested 27-year-old Angela Gruen of Old US 51 in Sandoval on multiple charges following a traffic stop. She was taken to the Marion County Jail for possession of meth, possession of drug paraphernalia, driving on a suspended license, and no valid registration.
22-year-old Jonathan Altom of Brookside Avenue in Wamac was arrested by Centralia Police for possession of methamphetamine.
45-year-old Chrissy Pehm of Virden was arrested in Macoupin County on a Marion County felony failure to appear warrant. She was brought back to Marion County and is being held in lieu of $7,500 bond.
62-year-old Dennis Parnell of Mulberry Street in Sandoval was arrested by Sandoval Police on a failure to appear DUI warrant. He was being held in lieu of $5,000 bond.
24-year-old Jesse Lilly of Queens Avenue in rural Odin was arrested on a Marion County failure to appear misdemeanor warrant and remained in custody in lieu of $5,000 bond.
A 45-year-old Centralia woman, Christel Marks of South Poplar, posted $300 bond and was released on an outstanding Marion County felony failure to appear warrant.