
Christ Our Rock High School receives matching-fund donation of $60,000

By WJBD Staff Nov 23, 2022 | 11:42 AM

Christ Our Rock Lutheran High School has announced the receipt of a $60,000 matching fund donation that will go towards needed repairs and maintenance of the school’s transportation fleet.

The Maschhoffs LLC conducted the match in conjunction with the school’s Sterling Evening dinner and auction.  It was part of the Fund-a-Project designated this year for transportation/buses.  Monies collected during the Sterling Evening’s live auction were matched by the Maschhoff’s.  Also matched were any proceeds donated to the project over the next ten days.

In addition to this latest donation, the Maschhoffs have also covered needed roof repairs earlier in 2022.  The CORLHS building is now 15 years old and while it has served us very well, it was to the point where the school needed to do some necessary upkeep and repairs.  Principal Don Duensing says covering the roof repairs was a timely blessing for us and they appreciate the continued support that the Maschhoff family continues to provide.