SSM Health Good Samaritan Hospital in Mt. Vernon has announced transportation services with South Central Illinois Mass Transit District (SCT) for its patients. A similar program began for patients at St. Mary’s Hospital in Centralia this summer.
The patient transportation service will be used to safely escort patients to and from the hospitals who do not have any other means of transportation. Whether patients are going home after a stay in the hospital or getting to an appointment this partnership will provide this service.
The President of SSM Health Good Samaritan Hospital Jeremy Bradford says it is the mission of SSM Health to not only provide safe and high-quality care to our patients but also to remove any barriers to access. Through the transportation partnership with SCT, patients will be better connected to providers and services, ensuring healthier rural communities in southern Illinois for years to come.
For more information regarding the patient transportation service at Good Samaritan Hospital, please contact us at 618-242-4600 and ask for social services.