Governor JB Pritzker is announcing funding for the long-awaited renovation of Rend Lake Resort in southern Illinois.
The resort opened in the 90s but was shuttered in 2016 after mold was found in several areas. The Governor says his $17.5-million in funding will restore the site to its former glory.
“The conference center, restaurant, cabins, pool, and famed motel will all be revamped so the resort can go back to hosting conferences, visitors, and lodging guests as soon as humanly possible.
Representative Dave Severin of Benton is excited to see the project.
“This place is awesome. The potential is amazing. What it’s going to bring back to southern Illinois with jobs. And when people have jobs that means pay taxes and with those taxes, they are able to help with things right here in southern Illinois.”
Work is expected to begin next year. In its heyday, Rend Lake Resort drew more than 2 million visitors annually and employed up to 125 people.

rooms at Rend Lake resort to be renovated.