
4H Shows for swine, dairy, beef, sheep, and goats held in Marion County Fair Show Barn on Saturday

By Bruce Kropp Jul 31, 2022 | 10:21 AM
Beef show judging. Front to rear Ryegan Warren, Alexsys Hammond, and AJ Wilkins show their animals during the Saturday Beef Show.

Hundreds of swine, dairy, beef, sheep, and goats were shown during 4-H shows held at the Marion County Fair Show Barn on Saturday.

In the swine show, the Grand Champion Market Barrow was shown by Elias Mullinax with Hallie Borcherding having the Reserve Grand Champion.  The Grand Champion Market Gilt was shown by Joshua Hiestand.  Tommy Cox showed the Reserved Grand Champion.   The Grand Champion Breeding Gilt was shown by Elias Mullinax and the Reserve Champion was Jonathan Wilkins.   First place in the Senior Showmanship Award in the Swine Show was Jonathan Wilkins.  Kayley Lacey took second and Kyla Engel third.  The Intermediate Showmanship Champion was Elias Mullinax and the Reserve Champion was Anthony Wilkins.   The Junior Showmanship Champion was Hallie Borcherding and the Reserve Champion was Mallory Starwalt.

Judging in the swine competition. Left to right: Tommy Cox, Kylia Engel, Judge Page Van Dyke who was just crowned Clay County Queen Friday night, and Norah Cox.


In the beef show, Parker Lewis showed the Grand Champion Steer and Walker Crank had the Reserve Grand Champion.  The Grand Champion Heifer was shown by Kaolin Lewis.  Sydney Donoho had the Reserve Grand Champion.  The Grand Champion Beef Female was shown by Parker Lewis.  The Reserved Grand Champion was shown by Chezney Robb.  The Grand Champion Bull and Reserve Grand Champion Bull were both shown by Maddox Robb.  The Beef Senior Showmanship Champion was Chezney Robb.  Maddox Robb took second and Sydney Donoho was third.   The Intermediate Showmanship Champion was Jaret Gibson with Rayce Hiestand Reserve Champion.  In the Junior Showmanship competition, Cash Meyer was Champion and Emit Gibson Reserve Champion.

Kaolin Lewis takes the championship in the all other breeds steer competition.


In the dairy cow division, Colton Snow showed the Grand Champion Dairy Female.  Mallory Starwalt had the reserve grand champion.   The Dairy Showmanship Champion was Eliza Engelhardt.  Colton Snow took second and Mallory Starwalt third.

In the goat show, Drew Hassebrock showed the Grand Champion Female and Mallory Starwalt the Reserve Grand Champion.   Drew Hassebrock had the Grand Champion Buck and Adalyn Rose the Reserve Grand Champion.

In the sheep show, Peyton Jett showed the Grand Champion Ram and Landon Jett the Reserve Grand Champion Ram.  Joshua Hiestand showed the Grand Champion Ewe and Landon Jett had the Reserve Grand Champion.  The Senior Showmanship Champion was Chase Thompson.  Hailey Shuler took second.   The Intermediate Showmanship Champion was Joshua Hiestand and Kinless Thompson Reserve Champion.  The Junior Showmanship Champion was Hallie Borcherding and the Reserve Champion was Denton Nattier.