A vacant Centralia home was heavily damaged by fire Friday morning.
Flames were showing when firemen arrived at 528 South Maple Street.
Centralia City Firemen say the cause of the fire is currently listed as undetermined but may have been caused by a downed electrical line which was lying near a back storage area of the home where the fire started. It’s unclear if the downed line may have occurred during the severe weather last Friday morning.
Three rooms at the rear of the home were destroyed and ceilings were pulled in the other rooms to fully put out the fire. One fireman fell through the floor to the basement but escaped injury.
The homeowner is listed as Janice Woods. It had been occupied until a recent death.
All available Centralia City Firemen were called to the scene and the Centralia Fire Protection District was called for mutual aid at the scene. The Sandoval Fire Department stood by at the downtown Centralia Fire Station in the event of another fire.
The fire call came in at 8:07 Friday morning. The scene was cleared around 11:30 Friday morning.