
Selmaville Wins Boys & Girls Home Meet On Monday

By WJBD Staff Apr 5, 2022 | 7:16 AM

Selmaville hosted a track meet at SCHS Track yesterday.  Selmaville won both the boys and girls events.

On the boys side, the Rockets had 114 points followed by Raccoon’s 104 and Patoka 29 with Odin getting 8 points.  Austin Woolridge won the 1600m with Harper 2nd, Gaston and Graham went 1-2 in the 6th grade 100m, Lowe won the 8th grade 100, Sapp won the 800 and Lowe won the 200 as well.  In the field events, Woolridge was 1st in the high jump, Patoka’s Thompson won the JV long jump, Tate won the varsity shot.  Selmaville won the varsity 400m relay, and the 8th grade 4×100.

The Lady Rockets were 1st with 106 points followed by Raccoon with 94 and Patoka 53.  Winning for the Lady Rockets were Veech in the hurdles and 400m, Johnson won the 800 with Benjamin 2nd.  Veech and Benjamin were 1-2 in the JV long jump.  Selmaville won all 4 relays as well.