
Wise World of Wellen presented by Salem Eye Clinic

By WJBD Staff Jan 12, 2022 | 9:43 AM

Wise World of Wellen presented by Salem Eye Clinic

  1. Tiny flies pollinate cocoa trees . . . so without flies, there wouldn’t be chocolate.
  2. Philadelphia is literally powered on burning money. The Federal Reserve in Philadelphia takes money that’s too worn out to be in circulation and sends it to local power plants, where it’s burned for electricity.
  3. Owls cannot move their eyes. Their eyes are not balls, but cylinders that are held in place by bones. Because of that, owls have evolved to be able to rotate their head 270 degrees left and right, and 90 degrees up and down.
  4. Technically, bananas aren’t a fruit, they’re an herb. The banana plant is sometimes called a banana tree, but it’s actually an herb since it has a succulent stem, instead of a wood one.
  5. There have been more than 300 different flavors of Kit Kats produced in Japan, including pear, soybean, blueberry cheesecake, green tea, and wasabi.