Two Salem Fire Protection District Firefighters share the Firefighter of the Year award following a tie vote among fellow firefighters.
Glenn Benzing and Andrew Dice were announced as the winners at the annual Salem Fire Department Ball held Saturday night at the Salem Elk’s Lodge.
Benzing was on the fire department for nine years before moving out of the district and rejoined two years ago when moving back. He feels the fire department has always been his home and gives him a purpose.
“Help people. That is my rule. If I ever get down and out, I always go back to that, I always say ‘hey I want to help people.’ That’s why I do that.”
Dice joined the fire department a year and a half ago. And his reason.
“Just being part of a great department, to be able to give back, serve people.”
Both say it is a huge honor to be given the Firefighter of the Year Award by their peers.
Board of Fire Trustee President Mike Squibb presented the two awards.
“This is generally awarded to the person that represents the spirit of the fire department, service, bravery, and devotion to duty. These guys exemplify that. They were voted on by their peers.”
Fire Chief Dave Duncan said he did not want to find a way to award only one firefighter of the year, noting both Benzing and Dice deserved the award.