
Police Beat for Wednesday, September 8th, 2021

By Bruce Kropp Sep 8, 2021 | 2:24 PM

Centralia Police have arrested a 19-year-old student at the Centralia High School Annex for aggravated battery.   Harleigh Davidson of North Main in Hoyleton is accused of spitting in a security officer’s face.  She was taken to the Marion County Jail.

Salem Police arrested 48-year-old Demetrius Lenard of Champaign for possession of less than five grams of methamphetamine and on a Champaign County failure to appear forgery warrant.    Police initially approached Lenard as a motorist assist in the 100 block of West Main.

18-year-old Andrew Wade of Park Lane in Centralia posted $250 bond and was released on a Marion County traffic warrant.