
Salem Elementary District 111 Retiring Employees

By WJBD Staff Jun 24, 2021 | 11:08 AM
Listed below are the Salem 111 retiring staff members along with their years of service and position.

Left to Right:
Gayla Wilkerson- 36 years as guidance counselor
Debbie Suarez- 38 years teaching
Ria Duncan- 27 years teaching

Left to Right:
Angie Zagorski(KSED)- 10 years at Salem 111 as speech therapist
Betty Purcell- 28 years as paraprofessional and district/Hawthorn secretary
Connie Graham- 41 years as district bookkeeper
Bonnie Foutch- 12 years teaching
Lisa Michael- 28 years as paraprofessional
Marianne Rogers- 28 years as cook



Not Pictured: 
Rebecca Roddy- 23 years as cook
Linda Hayes- 25 years as district cafeteria director