
Salem Fire Protection District names firefighter of the year

By News Feb 3, 2021 | 8:49 AM

The Salem Firefighter of the Year is Jarrod Burner.

Burner was surprised with the recognition at an awards program held at the Salem Fire Station Tuesday night.

“About 3-3.5 years ago with no intent of ever joining a department and a buddy of mine said I should try it and see what I think of it.  I tried it and it just kind of got in my blood.  I enjoy helping and winning awards is never something I thought I would receive.  I mean we come in, do our work and leave and that’s usually where we leave it most of the time.”

Burner is a Patoka High School graduate who moved to Salem five to six years ago. The annual award is voted upon by firefighters in the department.

Fire Chief Dave Duncan commended Burner for his work.

“Certainly been stellar in showing up for calls and being here.  He’s taken more responsibility on throughout the year and he was recognized by his peers.  Simple as that.”

Burner was also presented a three-year service award pin.

Two trustees, Mike Squibb and Jim Somer, were honored with 50-year service pins, Assistant Chief Jim Cerny with a 40-year pin, Sam Karrick 30 years, Fire Marshal Bill Fulton 25 years, Jake Heminover five years, and Seth Dawson and Rusty Jourdan three year pins.

Normally the awards are handed out at the annual Christmas Party that had to be canceled this year due to COVID-19. Duncan says he held off as long as he felt he could in hopes of being able to hold the annual traditional Christmas Party late, but it didn’t appear COVID-19 restrictions would be lifted anytime soon to allow it to take place.