The unclaimed bikes collected by the Salem Police Department over the past two years are placed out during a free giveaway on Saturday. To help with social distancing everyone who wanted a bike was given a number upon their arrival and selection was completed one at a time.
The Salem Police Department gave away 40 bicycles, parts from two others, and a scooter that had been gathered at the police department since the last giveaway of unclaimed bikes about two years ago.
Deputy Chief Susan Miller oversaw the process which included the assignment of numbers this year to try and avoid everyone crowding into the giveaway area at the same time. While the giveaway didn’t start until nine am, the line started to form around 6:30 am. Within the first hour, most of the bikes were gone. As of noon, just two were left and were expected to be taken by a person who was limited to one bike during the giveaway.
The Salem Police reports the bicycles had gone unclaimed since being brought to the department and notices were given of the upcoming giveaway if they remained unclaimed by their owner. None of the recovered bikes had been registered with the police department.

One recipient of a bike during the giveaway leaves as others wait in line for their chance to select a bike from those recovered and not claimed at the Salem Police Department over the past two years.